
Our newly settled tribe now urgently needs fresh water to survive!

We have to arrange for a spot where the people of the tribe can easily access and get fresh water. No need to worry about it after you place it: the people of the tribe will use it by themselves to get the water they need.

We'll have to watch out though: while one is enough for our small tribe, these spots can only accomodate a limited amount of people. As the tribe grows, they'll need more spots.

Mission Conditions[ | ]

Mission Rewards[ | ]

  • 1 Civilization Point

Primary Outcomes[ | ]

To build a Water Collector in the Territory.

Tips[ | ]

This mission will get you to build a Water Collector in your Territory to satisfy the populations need for Water.

Territory Menu[ | ]

In Ymir, you need to provide your population with various goods and services in order to keep them happy and for them to grow. Failing to provide this will lead to Rebellion and potentially losing the game should it happen to all of your cities.

You can check what your population needs are by looking in the Territory Menu.

With your new Territory selected, you should see a new button appear in the top center UI, to the left of your Territories name:


The Territory Menu button Icon paper allows you to see how your territory is performing. While most of what's you can see here isn't super important for the first few missions of the game, it does allow you to see your populations needs.

This button will appear whenever you select one of your territories from the world map, or when you are viewing the territory.

When the Territory Menu button is clicked on, you should see something like the following:


Lets quickly run through what we can see here. In the top left, you will find information about the following:

WaterForTheTribe TLStats

  • How much Forced Labor Icon money gifteco is available in this territory. If this value is negative it means you don't have enough workforce available, and won't be able to do certain actions such as building new buildings, or recruiting new armies.
  • How much Administration Icon admin is available in this territory. Low values increase Waste, which means less Forced Labor. This isn't super important at this stage, as you most likely won't have anything that should be lowering this value too much.
  • How much Wealth Icon wealth this territory has. Wealth is determined by what resources are stored in storage buildings. Items stored in Ground Storage don't apply to this value, and it's not important for the early game since we don't have an economy going yet.
  • The GDP Icon GDP of the territory. This isn't important at this stage.
  • The total population Icon population that there is in the territory.
  • How many Units Icon form this territory can support. This value is determined by the population size of the territory. If you exceed the maximum allowed the Territory will receive a decrease in population growth to counter this.

In the top center, there's the following:

WaterForTheTribe TMStats

  • The current status of the territory. Since this is a new game this should be Hamlet. Clicking on it would allow you to change the territory type. We don't need to worry about this for now. It also shows you how many expansion points it requires in the top right.
  • The Evacuate Territory button in the bottom left allows you to relocate the territory to another one.
  • In the bottom right there's the amount of countrysides that this territory supports. It's affected by the region type and what policies we have in place. This isn't important at the moment though.

In the top right, there's the following:

WaterForTheTribe TRStats

  • Conflict: The amount of conflict in this territory. Certain things such as population size and policies that are in place will have an effect on this. This value has a 1:1 impact on Loyalty in the territory.
  • Loyalty: How loyal the population is to you. This value caps out at 100. at values lower than 30 the territory has a change of launching a rebellion against you. Ideally we want this to be as high as possible to prevent that.
  • State Culture: How much culture this territory is generating. This isn't important for the time being.

Underneath these, we have the following:

WaterForTheTribe EmploymentStats

This shows how many jobs there are, and how much of the population is currently working. Some Jobs, such as Oligarchs and Leader aren't counted towards the jobs metric, and only appear in the employed section.

WaterFortheTribe Workers

These are the different types of workers in the Territory. Clicking on them will show you how their needs are being met. We'll come back to this in a moment.

WaterForTheTribe WorkerOverallStats

The left hand side of this shows their populations average Life Quality/Intelligence/Health.

The right hand side of this shows how the population will grow over the next in-game cycle. Depending on what type of game you're playing this can be a couple of minutes if a single player game, or 2.4 hours if playing a persistent game. Hovering over this will show you how many workers you will gain in this period as well.

WaterForTheTribe OverallHealth

Underneath the population growth, this represents the overall health of the population in the territory. Low values are generally bad. Ideally you want this to be as high as possible.

Then we have this.

WaterForTheTribe MainSection

This section shows various information grouped up into tabs along the top of it: WaterForTheTribe MainSectionTabs

For the purpose of keeping this section short, we won't go over all of this right now. Each tab has an explanation at the top of them that should explain what they are and how they work. Though throughout these guides we'll cover them as well.

For now, we want to look at population needs. We could go to it via the population tab here, or we could get to it by clicking on one of the worker types up above.

WaterFortheTribe Workers

Let's click on the Jobless profession to get to the population needs. The bottom half of this menu should switch to something like the following:

WaterForTheTribe JoblessStats

For now, let's focus on the right hand side of it.

Population Needs[ | ]

WaterForTheTribe PopulationNeeds

Here, we can see this professions needs and how well they are being satisfied. Each profession will have a different level of satisfaction depending on how much they earn, and how much various goods and services cost, as well as how much is available for them to consume.

This is a tiered system, level 1 needs need to be at least partially met before level 2 can, and so on. Level 1 is the most important, this contains the food and water needs. Failing to meet either of these has a negative impact on a territory, so you'll want to try and cover these needs all the time.

This mission will get you to fulfill the water need so lets get onto that.

Water[ | ]

If you haven't already entered the territory, you can do that now. The button to enter your territory is located to the left of the territory name at the top of the screen. If the button is disabled, make sure you have the territory selected.

Once loaded in, you should get a screen like the following:

WaterForTheTribe TerritoryView

Some of the UI has changed now that we are inside the territory, lets quickly go over these:

WaterForTheTribe TerritoryStats

Underneath the territory name, these 4 buttons have appeared. They show the population count, how much Forced Labor is available, how much culture this territory is generating, and how much administration is available. They can be clicked on to go to the relevant section of the Territory Menu.

To the right, we now have the following:

WaterForTheTribe RHS

A minimap showing the region takes up most of this. To the left of it we have a button to view different layers in the region (We'll cover this later), and a button to flatten the territory. The flatten territory button is handy if you need to build something but can't see past the terrain.

Underneath the minimap, we have 3 buttons.

  • The first button is the build button. From here you can build various Buildings, roads, and other items for the territory.
  • The second button is the resources button, it will show you all of the Resources that are available in the territory.
  • The third button is the formations button, it will show you all of the Formations that are currently in the territory.

We need to build a Water Collector to satisfy the populations need for water. To do that, click on the build button. Clicking on it shows a few more options.

WaterForTheTribe Build

Buildings into Ymir are broken down into various categories. As you unlock new buildings, they will go into the various categories here.

The other button that's appeared to the left of the build button is the delete button. It can be used to delete various buildings/terrain features. Right clicking the button lets you change what types of buildings/objects it will delete. Let's not worry about the delete button for now.

For now, the water collector should be visible here, so lets click on that.

Icon bdg watercollect

Buildings with Build Conditions[ | ]

While nearly all buildings require that they be built in relatively flat surfaces, and not partially in water, some buildings have additional requirements to build them.

Some buildings, such as the Water Collector, need to be built in certain spots. The water collector also has a condition that prevents them from being too close to another water collector.

The water collector must be placed next to water, and all of the tiles on at least one side must be "touching" water.

If this condition is not met, the building will appear red:

WaterForTheTribe InvalidBuild

Once it's placed somewhere valid, the building will turn white:

WaterForTheTribe ValidBuild

Once it's in a valid spot, left click to place it. After a little while, the water collector will start building:

WaterForTheTribe CollecterBuilt

Once the building finishes, this mission should complete itself. And the next mission, Hunting, will start.
